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ETworks exhibitions


Gianluca Murasecchi / Ennio Tamburi


Curated by Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, via dei Marsi 41, Roma 

14 December 2023 - 9 Marzo 2025 Free admission

Hours: Thur-Fri-Sat. 4-7 pm The other days by appointment​​


On Saturday, 14 December 2024, at 6:00 pm, the Stellare exhibition opens, curated by Roberto Lacarbonara, in the ETworks Studio exhibition space in Rome, via dei Marsi 41 (San Lorenzo district). It features works by artists Gianluca Murasecchi and Ennio Tamburi.


The title of the Stellare exhibition sounds like an infinitive verb, which places the work of Ennio Tamburi in dialogue alongside that of the engraver, painter and sculptor Gianluca Murasecchi. Because doing and marking surface space is infinite, unlimited, both in extension and in-depth. In the common sign of the point, the two artists configure a meticulous, sharp lexicon that traces trails and trajectories that cross the sidereal space of painting in uncontainable solutions

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Giulia Napoleone


Curated by Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, via dei Marsi 41, Roma 

2 October 2024 - 13 December 2024 Free admission

Hours: Mon-Fri, 16.00-19.00. The other days by appointment


On Wednesday 2 October 2024 at 6.30 pm opens the personal exhibition of Giulia Napoleone (Pescara, 1936) entitled “Verso Cielo”, curated by Roberto Lacarbonara in the ETworks Studio exhibition space in Rome, via dei Marsi 41 (San Lorenzo district). The exhibition - the first entirely dedicated to a guest artist, following the dialogues and collective exhibitions undertaken with Tamburi's work - is created with the collaboration of Sergio Pandolfini of Edizioni Il Bulino.

The "verse" in the exhibition's title links a direction and a composition: turning your gaze to the sky and dedicating poetry and images to it, a form that emerges from a perennial search. Giulia Napoleone's works arise from the need to define a different writing, free of words yet organised by sequences, orders, measures, rhythms, and scores.  



Aldo Bnadinelli, Ennio Tamburi


Curated by Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, via dei Marsi 41, Roma 

17 May 2023 - 29 September 2024 Free admission

Hours: Mon-Fri, 16.00-19.00. The other days by appointment


The dialogue between the two artists' works arises from a shared methodology of observation and pictorial elaboration, starting from translating into images of a journey completed in space, reporting the signs and traces of the places crossed. Something that, more than the meditated landscape composition, goes back to the reporting, the tracing, or the attempt to find a correspondence between the body that travels/inhabits the space and the body that draws, encloses the experience in a few signs designed to contain it in a form.


Japanese Standoff 

Utagawa Hiroshige, Ennio Tamburi, Mathew McWilliams


Curated by Luca Arnaudo & Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, via dei Marsi 41, Roma 

6 December  2023 - 8 March  2024 Free admission

Hours: Wed-Thurs-Fri, 16.00-19.00. The other days by appointment


The curatorial intent of the exhibition is to explore the existence of connections throughout art history that reveal a spiritual proximity between artists, beyond chronological data. While in cinematic imagination a three-way standoff – a.k.a. the Mexican standoff – is often depicted with no possibility of positive resolutions, the current occasion aims instead for cooperative outcomes of an ideally competitive dialogue, bringing together three artists whose common “Japanese” sensibility for essential compositional balances of line and colour, particularly on paper, is emphasized.


Fare Notte  

Oscar Turco, Gianni Caravaggio, Alessandro Piangiamore, Michele Alberto Sereni, Maria Lai, Ennio Tamburi 


Curated by  Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, Via dei Marsi 41, Roma

Opening:28 September (28 September - 8 December 2023). Free admission

Hours: Wed-Thurs-Fri, 16.00-19.00. The other days by appointment 


Fare notte develops from the work N.38 (2011) with which Ennio Tamburi starts a cycle of works dedicated to the theme of night and darkness, in which the artist elaborates a pictorial proposal capable of reconciling the absolute, the indefinite opening the space of representation with the geometric and rigorous nature of the form, this work feeds the relationship between a primary, mysterious and chaotic conception of the cosmos, and an orderly one, thinkable in terms of language and architecture. The artists, called to dialogue with Tamburi's work, intend the surface as an opportunity to reconnoitre the abysmal cosmic space, tracing in it the signs, the traces, the symbols of our relationship with the unknown, which has always been the object of aesthetic research and scientific.


Un Lieve Circoscrivere - Achille Perilli / Ennio Tamburi


Curated by  Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, via dei Marsi 41, Roma 

Opening:15 June (15 June - 22 September 2023). Free admission

Hours: Wed-Thurs-Fri, 15.00-19.00. The other days by appointment


The title of the exhibition recalls the philosophical condition that Heidegger admitted in the path of knowledge and unveiling of truth: an attitude which, unlike metaphysics and science, does not respond to axioms and foundations, but prefers a slow approach to the object of research, a circling around it: “a slight circumscribing”.

In the pictorial works of Ennio Tamburi and Achille Perilli - brought together to favor a comparison between two protagonists of the Roman scene in the second half of the twentieth century - we witness the same condition of construction of a logical and rational space always forbidden by the fragility of the composition, by the inaccuracy and from the approximation of the graphic sign, in a sought-after non-coincidence between construction and the illusion of three-dimensional space. Both painters, sculptors and set designers, passionate about those "stories of cubes and rhombuses, of toy soldiers-dashes, of moons-triangles" (Perilli) and in search of an "imaginary place to defend / where space is open to itself itself” (Tamburi), the two artists worked for decades sharing a common intention: that challenge to the geometric and to the rule through crossings of lines, broken diagonals, twisted and intersected planes, interpenetration of forms capable of generating precarious polyhedrons.


Spaziotempo / Antonio Marchetti Lamera / Ennio Tamburi


curated by  Roberto Lacarbonara

ETworks Studio, via dei Marsi 41, Roma 

Opening: from 23 March to 31 May 2023. Free admission

Hours: Wed-Thurs-Fri, 15.00-19.00. The other days by appointment


“My direction is towards unfinished, fluid geometric shapes,with the liquid matter of colors left free to run:I create embankments on paper, but I like the shapes to pass anyway, flaking apart”

The words of Ennio Tamburi – pronounced a few months after his death, very effective in the tell of a research now protracted towards the direction of pure fluidity of color and surface – define the formal, visual and evocative “territory” of this two-part dialogue between Tamburi and Antonio Marchetti Lamera.


This first confrontation, hosted in the spaces of ETworks Studio in Rome – a place dedicated to the narration of Tamburi's artistic story, to his archive and to the knowledge of his long pictorial production – starts from a common purpose that the two artists, moving from different needs, they share years apart and without mutual knowledge. Two researches of a topological and spatial nature, motivated by the need to tell the sensitive perception of a physical place, a concrete and practicable area through one's own steps and one's gaze.




Inauguration Thursday, December 15, 2022

ET WORKS - Via dei Marsi, 41, San Lorenzo, Rome

Edited by ETworks and LibreriaMarini


The selected works were all created in the period from 1991 to 1998. In this period, many key elements of Ennio Tamburi’s philosophy begin to settle on paper. The sign and the space slowly abandon the objective and natural referent to materialize in broader, abstract and almost aerial images. The geometries continue to appear, but begin to fluctuate on the surfaces, opening up wider and more complex visual discourses. Color and dot animate the works, and in a lively dialectic they intersect, overlap and move away at the same time.

The senses, accompanied by colour, signs and matter, will have the opportunity through these small selection of works to discover the weight and lightness of the "places" that Ennio Tamburi has told and suggested in all his works. A journey into a pictorial lyricism which in a few years will then lead to the large format, to the discovery of new forms and meanings. (Maria Elisa Massetti – Studio Bibliografico Marini)


In this fertile and boundless field that is the "paper sky" of E.T., each work is a wandering, where it is possible to cross without the expectation of a stop or a reading. An almost musical, rhythmic score… (R.Lacarbonara)

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29 September/ 9 Dicember, 2022

ET WORKS - Via dei Marsi, 41, San Lorenzo, Rome

Artists : Ennio Tamburi - Jiang Zhi - Ma Liuming  - Huang Yan

Curated by Michela Sena in collaborazione di  ET Works


Ennio Tamburi, Jiang Zhi, Ma Liuming, Huang Yan: four great international masters, meet in dialogue on the occasion of ET Works’ first exhibition.

Four distinct voices speak with extreme intensity but at the same time lay in a harmonious ensemble of dialogue. The exhibition itself couldn’t be a better presentation of the gallery's artistic line. ET Works is a small space in Rome that gives access to a window open on the world. With the same elegance and sobriety that binds the works of the four artists on display, ET Works approaches Rome as an international venue. Simply crossing the door open onto Via Dei Marsi, we access a different world, where works once exhibited at the Venice Biennale, at the MoMa New York or at the Center Georges-Pompidou, are accessible to all. And for those who have eyes to see it, they disclose a broad and global view on today contemporary art

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